
Broad Green (Wellingborough) WI planned a traditional tea party, with table cloths and tea pots for their 15th anniversary; the full works!  But someone had a different idea. When we arrived at our venue, we were unable to gain access.  So we moved to a member's garden where we had a buffet type tea, the weather held off and despite the set backs, a good time was had by all.
24.07 15 yr anniversary

Long Buckby WI celebrated their 100th Anniversary in March 2022, and on Saturday 23 March a map of the village was unveiled on the Market Square by the Chairman of the Parish Council, watched by WI members. The map featured hand drawn pen & ink drawings of prominent village buildings created by member Lesley Jordan, and the map was drawn by member Marian Blythe. The lectern containing the map was made by two young blacksmiths from Creaton.

24.04 Village Map24.04 Members around Village Map

Happy 60th birthday to Ringstead WI

24.02 Cutting the cake

Preston Capes WI - Centenary On Sunday 11 February (the actual date of inauguration in 1924!) members past and present gathered at the village hall where they enjoyed afternoon tea (and a little “fizz”!), and a magic show. There was much chat and catching-up, as well as reminiscing around the display of photographs and documents from the archives

24.03 Celebration cake 24.03 Members 

After Preston Capes WI centenary party, what better way to start the day the morning after with a cup of tea in one of their lovely new mugs designed by Susan Rose China especially for the occasion.

24.02 Centenary mugs

Long Buckby WI In November members planted a tree in each of the village pocket parks to commemorate their 100th Anniversary last year, and the Queen's Green Canopy.
The annual Craft Fair was very successful. We sold bulbs using recycled baskets which the Craft Group had decorated. The Craft Group also made paper angels and homemade star shaped biscuits to decorate a Christmas Tree for the village Christmas Tree Festival. Our entry was entitled 'A Homemade Christmas, Christmas as it used to be'
24.03 Queens Green Canopy

Rothersthorpe WI celebrated 50 years!  Founder member, Barbara Walsh, shared a few memories and read the minutes of the first meetings in 1973, before cutting a beautiful cake made by a villager (a relative of the first President!). Glasses were raised, and an enjoyable evening concluded with a fabulous musical performance by Lewis Dellar, son of our President, Jenny,

24.03 Founder member Barbara cutting cake 24.03 Group at 50th anni 

Flore WI  The President and members planted a tree in Brodie Lodge Playing Fields to commemorate their centenary, postponed due to Covid. It was combined with a celebration of the coronation of King Charles III.

21.08 Centenary Cake 21.08 Group photo 

Spratton WI celebrated its Centenary in 2023. Photo shows l-r Frances Roseblade (Past President), Anne Rodwell (NCFWI Chairman), Marianne Oakes (Current President), Carol Constable (Previous President).
Spratton 100 years

Glapthorn WI President, Ursula Wide, attached the plaque to the tree planted to commemorate 50 years of Glapthorn WI, cheered on by members, despite the rain!

23.08 President planting tree to commemorate 50th anniversary23.08 Members to tree planting to commemorate 50th anniversary

In 2023 Hunsbury Hill WI celebrated 40 years with a party, including a very funny sketch by two members, a quiz, great food, bubbly and celebration cake.
2023 Lynda and Rosie cutting the cake

Having now reached middle age (!!) members felt they would like to attract new blood so applied to Hunsbury library to create a window display showcasing their WI. The display was themed around the different WI satellite clubs, which range from a walking club or a Knit and Natter for Charity group to a lunch club or gin club! Hunsbury Hill WI’s lovely banner and the wall hanging made for ‘Triumph with a Tenner’ were focal points, along with items made at the various clubs including art and craft items, books, skittles and a couple of jars of jam for good measure! Resolutions and campaigns with which the WI have been involved were also featured, including Keep Britain Tidy, See the Signs, End Plastic Soup, SOS for Honeybees and Make a Match. The display was bright and eye catching and members are looking forward to seeing some new faces at their meetings as a result of their efforts.
23. Display at Hunsbury Hill library 123. Display at Hunsbury Hill library
Agnes, member of Bozeat WI, celebrated her 100th birthday on Monday 8th of May.
Agnes is an inspiration to all her members.  She has been a WI member since 1966 and was Bozeat WI secretary for 28 years.  Agnes has produced a collection of scrapbooks recording the history of Bozeat WI from 1949 to the present day and undertook the role of Archivist until 2021. Congratulations Agnes! Happy Birthday from the WI!
23.05 Agnes is 10023.05 Agnes blowing out candles

23.03 All members celebrating with the two members who have 60 years service

Two ladies Anne Wing and Janet Mills who celebrated 60 years membership with Welford WI. They both joined as young mums in March 1963. We treated them to a delicious cake made by a fellow member Debbie and presented them with a certificate to commemorate this fantastic achievement.

23.03 Two members with 60 years service

Happy 5th Birthday East Hunsbury WI
Your County Chairman Anne Rodwell with East Hunsbury President Ollie Lyons cutting the cake to celebrate their fifth birthday. Where has that time gone!
They even included Show the Love table decorations and had a magician as entertainment. A lovely morning.
23.02 Collage of 5th birthday

Roade WI had a wonderful evening celebrating it’s 95th birthday with a cheese & wine party with past President Dorothy Webster and current President Chris Jackson cutting the first slice. They held their AGM where current President, Officers and Committee received overwhelming support for a further 12 months. They also welcomed Joy Westnidge to committee and look forward to a fabulous year.
23.04 95th birthday

Congratulations to Great & Little Oakley WI. Committee members joined President, Hilary Mellott, in cutting the birthday cake celebrating their 98th birthday.
23.03 Cutting 98th birthday cake

Congratulations to Cosgrove WI as they celebrated their 90th Birthday. It was such a warm and friendly afternoon.

23.02 Cutting 90th Birthday cake23.02 Members at 90th celebration

Harpole WI celebrated their 60th Anniversary with a delicious afternoon tea. Most members attended and the few members who couldn’t attend were taken a boxed version of the tea to enjoy at home. Harpole WI was formally known as Harpole Evening WI when there were two groups in the village and the current President, Avril Judge, read a potted history of how the group began. Avril and three ex Presidents cut the celebration cake and a toast was raised to the future of the group. Members also enjoyed browsing through the old scrapbooks and a slideshow of photos ran all afternoon for members to reminisce on past activities.
23.02 Four Presidents

23.02 Ladies at Table 23.02 Afternoon tea

Congratulations to Bugbrooke WI on their 95th birthday. A toast and celebration cake were enjoyed by all. Jean McLeish (WI member and County trustee) and Pat Grant (President) cut the cake, which was beautifully decorated by David Marshall.
23.01 Cutting the cake23.01 Members toasting 95th birthday


Geddington and Newton WI celebrated their 100th birthday in January 2023 with a fabulous buffet and beautiful cake. Certificates were presented to the 4 longest serving members and all members received a beautiful commemorative box handmade by their WI’s talented crafters. There will be a celebration EVERY MONTH during 2023.

23.01 100th birthday cake23.01 Raffle being presented23.01 mini8 box presented to each member

Towcester Evening WI continued their 50th anniversary year with an open coffee morning in Towcester Library.

22.09 Cakes with Servers22.09 With Chronicle & Echo reporter

Woodford and Hinton WI celebrate their 90th Anniversary in 2022. To begin their celebrations they planted a tree, with the help of two husbands who dug a very deep hole on one of the hottest days of the year. They will continue to celebrate later in the year with afternoon tea.
22.10 Tree planting for 90th anniversary

Long Buckby WI held a Garden Party on 6 August to celebrate their 100th Anniversary.The hall was filled with home-made bunting and members were asked to come in their 'posh frocks and hats', a suggestion they really took on board.There were 35 guests from the village including the granddaughter of one of the original committee members. County Chairman, Anne Rodwell, attended along with Presidents from neighbouring WIs.  Anne was kind enough to propose the Toast and, after singing Jerusalem and saying Grace, a lovely afternoon tea was enjoyed by all.The cake was made and decorated by member Val Hardwick and cut by former President, Gina Fairholm, a WI member for 49 years

22.08 Centenary Cake22.08 Centenary Celebration

Glapthorn  WI celebrated 50 years at an Afternoon Tea party. More than 30 past and present members enjoyed a supper of cold salmon and strawberries, toasted the future of the WI in fizz, and ate a special cake.

Maureen Gent receiving a certificate for 60 years as a member of the Glapthorn WI and its predecessor.
Maureen Gent a member for over 60 years

Congratulations Boddington WI who celebrated their Centenary with an Afternoon Tea Party.
Members and friends at Centenary Afternoon Tea Party

22.06 Centenary

A joint celebration was held by Kelmarsh, Harrington and Arthingworth (KHA) WI for their 70th birthday and the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Their 70th birthday was delayed by two years due to COVID.
The cake was made by talented member (Ann Dennis-Jones) and was cut by Daphne Lane who has been a member of KHA for 60 years. Daphne first came to a meeting with her mother.  Rachel Evans (President, KHA) is also photographed in the cake cutting.
22.06 KHA Group pic

22.06 Jubilee cake 7022.06 Member for 60 years

Mrs Agnes Jones aged 99
Mrs Agnes Jones has been a Bozeat WI member since 1966. She has been Secretary, organised trips and until this year was Archivist producing many scrapbooks recounting the history of Bozeat WI from 1949 to the present day, as well as being involved in the community with organising an indoor bowls club and lace making group.
An Inspiring Woman indeed!


Towcester Evening WI recently welcomed members from the Community to a celebratory lunch to celebrate its 50th Anniversary.  It was a great opportunity to share the success of our WI throughout the years and acknowledge the good work that the WI contributes to the community.
Featured are: Rector of Tove Benefice Revd Paula Challen, The Rt Hon. Dame Andrea Leadsom, Northamptonshire County Federation of WIs Vice Chair Chris Carr, Jane Cafe, a Towcester Evening WI member for 50 years, Dept. Lord Lieutenant Caroline Brocklehurst, Towcester Town Mayor Damian Reynolds, Northamptonshire County Federation of WIs Vice Chair Heather Smith and President Sue Hamilton.
Photo by Carrie Wilkes/CO Photography and Design Ltd
22.04 Community celebration
More recently, we were delighted to say "Thank You" to 3 special members who helped the committee with the Anniversary celebrations.
22.04 Thanks to 3 key ladies

Yelvertoft WI celebrated its 90th Anniversary in February with a 1930s themed party. Members wore an item of 1930s attire and enjoyed a delicious dinner with excellent Birthday cake.
Christine Farmer was our after dinner speaker on the Ups and Downs of a Denman Groupie and a great time was had by all.
90th birthday cake

Members at 90th birthday party

Rose Anderson retired at the end of 2021 after 18 years as President of Clipston WI. Clipston village magazine expressed appreciation for the support the WI has given the local community under Rose’s leadership.
22.03 Rose Anderson stepping down as President

Helmdon WI celebrated their centenary in 2021 and marked the achievement with a celebration cake and a Garden Party for members in the summer. They also organised a free Afternoon Tea which was open to the village and was very well attended. Many people enjoyed looking at the WI memorabilia and scrap books of past years.

Centenary cakeCutting the cake
Members celebrating Villagers joining in the celebration 

Towcester Evening WI has planted 50 trees at the Saxon Fields, Towcester, as part of their commemorations for its 50th Anniversary. It is hoped that these trees will flourish and provide a lasting legacy to the town; to be admired by future generations.
21.12 Tree Planting Ceremony

Nether Heyford WI was determined to celebrate their 90th birthday when restrictions allowed.  President Pat welcomed everyone in the Village Hall for a celebration meal.  During lockdown, the Community Cafe made a cupcake for everyone which member, Deborah, decorated with gift tags and cake markers.The evening Zoom meeting featured a quiz about the 1930s and members tucked into their delicious cakes and cup of tea (or something stronger!). Congratulations Nether Heyford WI!
90th anniversary Nether Heyford WI

Towcester Evening WI held a party on  November, exactly 50 years from when it first began.  It was a spectacular evening with a 2 course meal; a birthday gift for each member; a rolling slide show of all our ventures; a new WI tablecloth; an entertaining song especially composed for us and dancing to Abba!  It certainly was a bit of a do – in fact, a fantastic do!
The birthday gift was a cotton bag with a beautiful design created especially for us by local artist, Val Goldfinch.  Val is our newest member, having just joined us this month.  
The tablecloth was designed and completed by our member, Petra Giffen, with members contributing an embroidered square with their name and the date they joined our WI on.

President Sue Hamilton with Artist Val GoldfinchMembers with birthday bags50th anniversary table cloth

Gretton WI celebrated their 80th birthday at their October meeting. Members enjoyed  supper with Prosecco followed with a photo quiz,.The cake was cut by Gretton WIs oldest member, Shirley Fursdon.
Group at Gretton WIs 80th birthday

Many congratulations to Yardley Hastings WI who celebrated their 100th birthday in style with guests from their members and past membership.
21.10 Group Centenary event

It is 95 years since the formation of Barton Seagrave WI. In September, at their first indoor monthly meeting, they celebrated with cake baked by Betty Brogan and cut by Kathleen Price, one of their older members. In October they planted a Rowan tree behind the Village Hall and invited Sue Kendall, former Chairman of NCFWI, to the ceremony. They are pleased with the increased interest in their WI since they started meeting in the mornings, with their membership growing.
21.09 95th birthday and planting a tree

Kilsby  WI celebrated their Centenary by erecting a Sunflower sculpture, Yarn Bombing the whole village including a 100th Birthday Cake and focussing on NFWI resolutions, arranging a Sunflower competition for the school and much more.  See their website for full details.

21.06 100th birthday cakeCentenary Yarn Bombing

Flore WI Committee invited members, past and present, to celebrate their Centenary,albeit one year late due to you know what!!
21.08 Centenary CakeWe gathered at Brodie Lodge Park, Flore, with a marquee, bunting and balloons, the most glorious weather, and we’re joined by daughters and nieces representing past members, as well as husbands and friends of current members.
Local MP, Chris Heaton-Harris, and NCFWI Chairman, Annie Rodwell, were guests of honour, and came along with family. All were made very welcome by everyone.
After a little 1920’s style competition for best head piece/costume – won by Jane Freeman, complete with a very long cigarette holder – we were entertained with Morris dancing, and a history of Morris dancing, by the all-female Queens Oak Morris Dancing side.
All finished off with food, and drinks and the most wonderful WI themed cake made by Jo Whitehouse (Flore WI member).

21.08 Group photo

Congratulations Cotswold Duston WI on your 50th Anniversary. They celebrated with a garden party, the weather was glorious and most members were able to attend. Three founder members were presented with flowers. Scrap books illustrating 50 years of history were on display and members enjoyed a choice of delicious cakes. A 50/50 challenge walk raised funds which were shared with Duston Food Bank
21.05 50th Anniversary Garden Party21.05 50 Anniversary Garden Party