Looking Ahead to What's On
2018: was our super Centenary Year (click here) | You may find it helpful to look at the |
2025 March Yarnbombing Newsletter - click here
WI House 7pm-9pm Members only £5
Have you been chosen as a delegate for the National Annual Meeting this year? Are you one of the members who will lead the discussions or get involved in Resolutions at your WI meeting? Would you simply like to learn more about the Resolution(s) being discussed this year.
If any of these apply to you come along to WI House to hear expert speakers, join the debate and have the opportunity to ask questions. These are always lively sessions and it’s good to hear different views on the topic. For delegates this is the opportunity to find out more about how the voting process will work on the day of the annual meeting.
Saturday 5 April - County Walk Greens Norton
9.45 for 10am start 5 miles with 3 mile option
In an area we have not walked recently, this walk is partially over solid ground but some is over paths that could be muddy if it has been wet. There are no stiles. The pub has only a small car park. There is parking at the village playing field by the church. Leader: Sue Williams Sue needs to know by Friday 31 March if you wish to order lunch
The Butchers Arms, 10 High Street, Greens Norton NN12 8BA
Monday 7 April Wilson Browne Solicitors Workshops
WI House 7pm Free to members only
Wills - the benefits of having one. The use and need of LPA’s and what happens if you don’t have one.
Tuesday 8 April Wilson Browne Solicitors Workshops
WI House 2pm Free to members only
Care Funding & your property – brief overview of care funding and how we can use trusts in wills to protect your family assets; discussion about life time property trusts
Monday 14 April 2025 Bi-annual County Quiz - Mercure Hotel, Daventry
£26 for a team of 4 (PAID UP MEMBERS)
April will soon be here and with it our much anticipated bi-annual county quiz. Teams consist of 4
fully paid-up WI members, you can enter as many teams as you wish and they can be made up with members from other WIs. Tea coffee and light snacks will be available for sale, there will also be a bar. As we have a member with a severe nut allergy, no nuts will be available at the event.
Sunday 20 April and Monday 21 April 2025 Kelmarsh Show 9 am-5pm
Kelmarsh Hall, Northamptonshire, NN6 9LY
Once again, we will be in the local club and interest marquee at this fantastic family event. Last year we spoke to a large number of ladies, some of whom, hopefully, are now WI members. A great recruitment opportunity for the WI. If you’d like to come and help on the stand please contact us events@ncfwi.org.uk
Friday 25 April 2025 Pensioners Fair
10am-1pm Southbrook Community Centre, Hood Road, Daventry NN11 4JS
We have been invited by the office of the Rt Hon Stuart Andrew MP for the Daventry Constituency to participate in this event, which will provide local people information on essential services including social activities. Our aim is to demonstrate all the wonderful things the WI can offer and encourage new members. If you’d like to come and help on the stand please contact us events@ncfwi.org.uk
Monday 26 April Treasurers Workshop
10am to 12.30 pm OR 1.30pm to 4pm WI House Members only. £7
Are you about to take on the role of Treasurer or an established Treasurer who would like an update? Membership and Training Committee members will take you through a ‘Year in the life of the WI Treasurer’. We will discuss budgets, keeping
records, financial safeguards, charity law and where to find information and guidance. There will be open discussion and lots of handouts to help assist you in your role. Application Form is with your Secretary this month
Wednesday 4 June 2025 NFWI Annual Meeting
The National Federation Annual Meeting next year will be hosted on-line on 4 June. With Emma Bridgewater, founder of Emma Bridgewater pottery, announced as the first speaker we can expect an exciting and interesting meeting. The meeting is open to all members, and in addition to delegates, other members can register to attend as observers. Those of you who have been to Annual Meetings will agree that one of the benefits of attending is meeting other WI members. In Northamptonshire we are looking at the option of holding two Annual Meeting events, where we can watch the meeting together. More details to follow.
Thursday 12 June Members £50 non-members £53
Bressingham Gardens & Steam Museum.
Come enjoy and reminisce the smell & sound of steam and the chance to explore 9 acres of gardens and perhaps purchase a plant or two from the Nursery. Ticket price includes unlimited rides on the Narrow Gauge Railway and the Gallopers Roundabout. There are plenty of places to enjoy your own picnic or use the plentiful facilities on site. https:/bressingham.co.uk
Save the Date
WI House 3-5.30pm or 6.30-9pm Members Only. £7
More details next month