Welcome to Example Federation

Northamptonshire Women's Institute

Northants WI

Women's Institute

Anne RodwellFederation Chairman


Welcome to the Northamptonshire Federation



Northamptonshire is a beautiful County with plenty of open spaces, historic locations, pretty villages and friendly WIs.

Northamptonshire is the shoe making capital of the world, also known as the Rose of the Shires and nicknamed the county of Spires and Squires.

In Northamptonshire Federation we have members spread in every corner of the County. The Federation was formed in 1918 and along with WIs in Badby & Fawsley, Brackley, Brigstock, Clipston and Wootton we celebrated our Centenaries in 2018.

23.06 PT Blisworth ArmEvery WI is different and joining is a great way to make new friends.  From Gretton and Glapthorn  in the North to Croughton in the South there are plenty of WIs to choose from all over the County.  Morning, Afternoon and Evening WIs, some small and intimate others having over 60 members.  Many WIs also have extras other than the monthly meeting, for example book clubs, craft groups, regular walks, cinema and theatre trips There are lots of opportunities to learn new skills, take part in a varied programme of events, coach trips to places of interest and short holidays organised by our Federation Sub-Committees.

Resolutions on all sorts of different issues are put forward by WI members each year and if selected and mandated by the members they become campaigns giving the opportunity to influence decisions locally and nationally.  From equal pay to climate change, from gaps in the midwifery workforce to the plight of the honeybee, WI members have built up a reputation to embrace a diverse set of challenges over a long history of campaigning and changing things for the better.

New members would be very welcome at all our WIs.  If you can, visit a few and decide which you would like to join, it is possible to join more than one as a dual member with a reduced annual subscription fee at the second and any subsequent WI.  If you are unable to get to a local WI then you can become an associate member.

For more information about our WIs in Northamptonshire please contact the County Federation Office on 01604 646055 email admin@ncfwi.org.uk

Anne Rodwell
Federation Chairman

*** Click on links for more images

NCFWI Annual General Meeting, Thursday 24 October 2024
Northampton High School, Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6UU

Turi KingGuest speaker Turi King, one of those people you won’t want to miss!! Turi is a scientist, presenter, speaker and author, who is passionate about communicating science to the public. She is working on a number of forensic/ancient cold cases including King Richard III, Robert the Bruce and others. She has been conducting genetic genealogical research for over 20 years. Turi has given hundreds of public lectures and won awards for her public engagement work. In 2019 Turi guest-presented the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures in Japan, stepping in for Alice Roberts. She regularly gives keynote talks at science festivals, in schools both in the UK and abroad (Hong Kong, India, U.S., Canada), a TEDx talk and has spoken at a Congressional Breakfast on Capitol Hill.


Without trustees you don’t have a Federation
Without a federation you don’t have WIs!
We need volunteers NOW!

Put bluntly, we REALLY need your help. A number of long
standing trustees are standing down this year and we need to
fill those vacancies. If you love your WI and want it to continue,
could YOU volunteer some time to be a Trustee?
Not sure? Need more information?
Come and observe a meeting to see for yourself. Forthcom-
ing Meeting dates Friday June 7th , Wednesday 3rd July.
Please contact WI House for more information.

We are really excited about an event that we hope may give us some national coverage and we need your help! If you can knit, crochet, sew or help with toppers for pillars we need to hear from you. Ideally we would like a team of members that can create various items including character figures……….intrigued?
Please contact WI House, admin@ncfwi.org.uk or Chris Carr for more information.

Spring is on the way. The Walkers are out and the Workshops have started again!

24.02 Snowdrops and group of walkers24.02 Examples of work


Our 2023 AGM was a fabulous occasion!

23. View of members

We went to Cardiff for the NFWI AGM

23.05 whole group outside hotel

We celebrated King Charles III Coronation

23.05 Top Team

Northamptonshire Members having fun!

23.04 Two members with finished hearts

23.02 Brackley WI craft members

WIs celebrating their Milestones

Bugbrooke WI recently celebrated their 95th anniversary - see more in Milestones
23.01 Cutting the cake

The walking group are out !
23.05 Kings Cliffe signpost

We went to the 136th Blakesley Show
on Saturday 6 August !
Stand set up


Members and friends from around the County were delighted to meet up again for coffee, with the added attraction of a Craft Stall and not forgetting the delicious cakes supplied by the Catering Team.  Here's to the next time!

Vice chairman Heather and Trustee Linda

