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Chairman's News: July and August 2024
Anne Rodwell (Great Doddington Evening WI)

22.10 Annie at AGM

I am writing this following a visit to London last week for the National Federation of WIs Annual Meeting. 5000 WI members from all over the country converged on the Royal Albert Hall (and the steps of the memorial across the road at lunchtime!) for a truly memorable event. In this month's newsletter there’s a report on the day written by Jane Ward, President of Hackleton and District WI.
Hope you have remembered that Northants Trustees are looking forward to coming to WI meetings, if you are let down by a Speaker or have a gap in your schedule do get in touch with WI Office and we will fill that spot for you.
PLEASE let there be a bit of sunshine through July and August so that we can all get out and about and enjoy each other’s company at WI events and days out!


Our monthly walks in various parts of the county are much enjoyed by all. Click for more information.
Afterwards, we enjoy a sociable lunch, sometimes at a pub, sometimes at a local WI.

24.02 Snowdrops and group of walkers24.05 Gathering near Rushden Lakes Visitor Centre2.04 Neear Courteenhall Church24.06 Lunchbreak


24.06 Lunchtime on steps

In June, we travelled to the Royal Albert Hall for the best ever AGM of the National Federation of WIs.  Along with the usual annual reports, the conference had an underlying theme relating to our resolution "violence against women". We heard three tremendous speakers. As well as the serious side of the AGM, we all enjoy meeting fellow WI friends whether they are from our own county or further afield. A great experience all round.



24.01 Breakfast

Our January Annual get-together of Trustees and  sub-committee members is always enjoyable and this year was no exception.  Its a joy to meet up with long standing friends and make plans for the coming WI year.  
Membership is not exclusive and we welcome others who may like to join in and help us, whether it be for a couple of hours or longer, all members are welcome.

24.01 Checking the table24.01 Sue, the photographer24.0`1 Members gathering


The 2023 “Mince Pie” walk gave members and friends the opportunity to explore Burton Latimer on a beautiful winter morning.
23.12 Mince pie walk at Burton Latimer23.12 Mince pie walk near wind turbines

All about our 2023 AGM

For fun and friendship

23.10 Wootton WI members as Stewards

23.05 Anne with Lynda

Cate with Annie


Wonderful for the 2023 Annual Breakfast to take place with Officers and sub-committee members meeting up with such enthusiasm for the Federation. Better times are on the horizon!

23.01 Chris Carr and Heather Smith

WIs all over Northamptonshire regularly support Cynthia Spencer and Cransley Hospices with cakes.
Thanks to Blisworth WI for supporting the Cynthia Spencer Hospice Christmas Fayre with a donation of delicious cakes.
22. 12 Cakes for Cynthia Spencer Christmas Fayre

Ten members of Milton Malsor & Collingtree WI supported a lunch at ‘The Lane Restaurant’ at Northampton College; it was a convivial occasion with good food and service by the catering students.

22.11 Table of Six

The Christmas Coffee Morning at WI House was so well supported, we ran out of chairs!
Great atmosphere and lots of lovely Christmas jumpers worn.





Thursday 8 September
We are all deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen and offer our heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family.  Her Majesty was a loyal and dedicated member of the WI for 80 years.  We are truly thankful for her lifetime of dedication, service and fellowship.

HM The Queen with Countess of Wessex




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The WI Inspiring Women