
March 13th 2014

Haraam Arab Egyptian Dancers – Jean Sacre

This dance troup is probably the longest running Arab Egyptian dance troup in the UK. They have been holding dance classes and performing in Northampton since 1992. We look forward to seeing them perform and maybe even try out a few moves ourselves!

Dance Troup

Review of the evening

The Haraam Egyptian Dancers entertained us with expressive dances, arm movements and shrieks of enjoyment. They took it in turns to explain a little about themselves and to tell us about their elaborate costumes. They were dressed in purple and gold or silver with lots of glitter, bells and rattles to accompany the wriggles and swirls. We were encouraged to join in with clapping, and adding shrieking noises but unfortunately we were rather reserved! At the end a few plucky members joined in to have a go but most of us were either too shy or had too many aged joints!

The Competition was for an exotic headdress or veil and several members produced their version of the title. We had a Red Indian headdress, a Pearly King hat, a gold wig, tiara, fascinator, Tutankhamen's mask and others. All worthy of points.

Haraam Arab Egyptian Dancers

Haraam Arab Egyptian Dancers

Haraam Arab Egyptian Dancers

Haraam Arab Egyptian Dancers