
December 11th 2014

Members' Christmastime

Speaker: Natasha Thompson

 Natasha visited us in 2013 and we all enjoyed a musical evening being taught to sing in 2 part harmonies. As this is our second 'lesson' we may progress to something more ambitious and as it is Christmas time – perhaps a more festive approach.

The Members have been invited to organise the rest of the evening, giving the committee a well earned 'night off' so we will see what surprises they come up with.

The Surprise is.......

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Members Only Christmas Party

Natasha cannot now attend our meeting so the Committee has arranged musical entertainment in the form of Chris who will play his guitar during the evening.  The Evening will now take place in the more cosy surroundings of Raynsford House between 7 and 10pm.

Members are asked to bring a plate of food to share with others and something Christmassy for the table decorations.

Review of the evening

23 members enjoyed the evening with a guitarist playing music for 2 sessions during the evening. He played many well known songs which members were tapping their feet and singing along with. All members had contributed to the 'Bring a plate' evening with a wide variety of savoury and sweet items to indulge in and share. Several people brought table decorations so the room looked very festive. The business part of the evening was undertaken swiftly in order to enjoy ourselves and relax. A large raffle was held and 7 lucky winners went home with an extra gift for Christmas.

Christmas party food 
Food, glorious food!