May 9th 2019


The decision as to what the subject for this year’s resolutions has yet to be decided so when it has been published, the titles will be here. Members will discuss the subjects and vote on their preferred option, ready for our delegate to take to the AGM.

A call against the decline in local bus services

Over the last decade there has been a massive decline in the number of bus services, particularly of those in rural and semi-rural areas. In order to alleviate loneliness, improve health and wellbeing, as well as promoting sustainable development, the NFWI calls on the government and local authorities to increase subsidies and work in partnership with bus companies and community transport operators to enable an adequate provision of services.

Don’t fear the smear

Cervical screening saves around 5,000 lives a year, yet attendance is currently at its lowest for a decade. The NFWI urges WI members to attend routine screening, to take action to raise awareness of the importance of cervical screening and address barriers to attendance to help eradicate cervical cancer.