9 March 2023

23.03 John Brice with BrendaOn a snowy evening, we held our Monthly and Annual WI meetings. We enjoyed a cosy evening despite the snow outside!

The Monthly Meeting business was run through efficiently and the minutes of the previous meeting, which had been circulated in advance, were approved.

The Annual Meeting followed. The statutory business was smoothly dealt with and we are delighted to announce that Jacqui Jones has agreed to be our new President.  We are sure she will make a very able President and wish her well in her new role. She will be supported by members of the committee and we hope to recruit more members to join us in the future.

23.03 John Brice with presentation

After the AM we welcomed John Brice, ably assisted by Michael Tite, to show his presentation ‘Down your Way’about the history of Milton Malsor through photos, anecdotes and comments. This, along with plentiful refreshments, provided by Lucy and Kerry was greatly enjoyed to complete the evening.

23.03 Brenda chatting with members