9 February 2023

9 February 2023

Margaret will be leading us with an evening of painting cards. Come along for a therapeutic evening of painting cards at a relaxing social evening with a lovely group of ladies.  Margaret has painted a sample of some of her amazing cards below.

23.02 sample cards by Margaret

We spent a relaxing, social evening with a lovely group of ladies, where we  put brush and pen to paper and enjoyed a therapeutic evening of painting cards, led by Margaret, who had painted the amazing ones above.

Now it was our turn to try!!

23.02 Margaret our tutor,

23.02 Learning how to paint

23.02 Members painting and chatting23.02 Members painting or chatting23.02 Tutor walking around group23.02 Members paying attention

23.02 Refreshment time23.02 Cake was delicious

23.02 Snowdrop flower arrangement