December 13th 2018

Christmas Time

Raynsford House was our venue for this year's Christmas party. Our numbers are lower than normal for a variety of reasons and this venue is small, cosy and just right for a small gathering of people.

The committee had added decorations to the already festive feel of the room together with games, music and a display of the Christmas Tree produced for the recent Christmas Tree Festival at Milton Church.

The Business part of the evening was as brief as Susan could make it but certain items needed to be mentioned.

All members brought a contribution to the festive table and as usual there was something for everyone and every plate was different. The committee produced Mulled wine and other drinks for members to help themselves to during the evening.

Paula gave everyone a quiz of charity logos which had everyone scratching their heads and discussing what the logos might be. Later in the evening when Paula gave the answers, there were nods and sighs of, 'I should have known that', and 'of course it is'.

Sheila followed with Guess the name on the Hat which entailed members asking lots of questions to decipher who they were representing. This caused lots of laughter and fun. The final game from Shirley was the traditional Pass the Parcel which everyone took part in and Brenda was the lucky winner.