May 11th 2017


Diana Babb is visiting our WI meeting to help us to decide upon the outcome of our Resolutions

This year the Resolutions are - Alleviating Loneliness

This meeting calls on every WI and the NFWI to work alongside health and social care providers and their local community to raise awareness of the causes and impacts of loneliness, thus ensuring better identification of lonely people in order to be able to offer them the appropriate assistance and support.

and Plastic Soup - Keep micro plastic fibres out of our ocean

Microplastic fibres are shed from synthetic clothing with every wash and are the main contributors to microplastic contamination of the oceans. The NFWI calls on Government and industry to research and develop innovative solutions to this problem in order to stop the accumulation of microplastic fibres in o oceans.

Diana helped us through the legal and sometimes complicated wording of these resolutions to come to our own conclusions and a lively discussion was held.  The votes will be sent in.

Social time and refreshments completed the evening.