January 12th 2017

The Hope Centre

Not just a soup kitchen! The Hope Centre works to relieve poverty and tackle the causes of homelessness in Northampton by giving people a hand up not a hand out. Their work is focused on helping others to help themselves, providing support and services that will enable individuals to take back control of their own lives.

We have been asked to donate the following items if we would like to - toilet rolls, men's underwear, sugar and coffee in particular. Other items which are useful, toiletries, warm clothing and any other underwear.

Donations to the Hope Centre

Review of the Evening

'Tackling Homelessness, rebuilding lives'

Tanya, a Community fundraiser explained the set up and why people are often homeless and what can be done to try to help them.

In Northampton, there are 20 rough sleepers every night with 110+ people visiting the centre daily. 1,200 people are registered as in need of help with 30% under 25 years old.

Every person matters. Hand Up not Hand Out

Basic needs are addressed and clients are encouraged to do voluntary work at the centre too pay for meals. There is training available to help with fundraising and to teach skills to clients who may otherwise go unnoticed.

A Q and A session followed where Tanya was able to answer the majority of questions posed by members.
