September 8th 2016

Games & Social Evening

A joint venture between Members and Committee to organise an evening of fun and games.
More details to follow but put your thinking caps on to come up with interesting ideas to share.

Review of the eveningTwo members assisted the committee in providing games and activities for the meeting to take place. There was a selection of paper and pencil quizzes, dingbats and table games as well as action games such as skittles and quoits  on the floor and wall. Everyone took part in something and a lot of fun was had. Competition winners were given small bars of chocolate.
The committee had organised a small snack buffet with drinks.

Competition: Fun & Games. Only two members had brought entries so they were given joint first place. Paula had a montage of photos showing the fun and games enjoyed by her grandchildren during this year and Sheila had an old family game which her children played at parties when they were little.