May 14th 2015


During the May meeting, members voted on the Annual Resolution, which this year was as follows:

'This meeting calls on HM government to remove the distinction between Nursing care and personal care in the assessment of the needs of Individuals, in order to advance health and wellbeing.'

Information had been written in the April copy of WI Life which most members had read prior to the meeting. Brenda gave extended information for a discussion to take place. Several members had points of view to raise. It was a difficult resolution to agree with as finances play a large part in the execution of such a statement. Voting took place with 1 in favour, 16 against and 3 abstentions with the statement as it stands.

The Constitutional Resolution was voted 19 in favour of Lorraine voting on our behalf.

Vote on Approval of Accounts - 14 in favour with 5 abstentions.

Competition - 'My Favourite Resolution'
Members were asked to choose their favourite Resolution. Paula Neal was declared the winner having chosen a former WI resolution about Smoking in Public Places, 2nd Kathryn Hayward with a quotation and 3rd equal Lorraine Bunting wanting to enjoy life and Brenda Binks looking after her hands more carefully with hand cream.

Brenda Jenks then gave a brief slide show of her recent holiday in Madeira and a visit to the Queen Mary showing how cruise ships have changed over the last 80 years.