2013 Other Activities
2013 Other Activities
Skittles evening - January 22nd 2013
Meet at the Compass in Milton Malsor at 7pm for a fun evening.
4 members braved the snow and ice to enjoy an evening of skittles. The next meeting will be in March and details will follow - watch this space and come along.
March 26th at the Compass at 7pm. All welcome. Sadly only 2 members turned up on this occasion due to a variety of reasons. However, asking the members at the monthly meeting showed a rising level of interest and we will continue to organise the events for a while longer. Watch this
Red Nose Day/Comic Relief We held a Bring and Buy stall at our March meeting to support this event and raised £40. Thanks to all for donations and sales.
April 29th A walk around Delapre Lake is planned to coincide with Women Walk the World. More details to follow.
Meet in the Car Park at 2pm. Wear walking boots or stout footwear as there are very muddy patches in places around the lake. Hopefully the event will be completed with tea and cakes in the Abbey tea room.The ACWW donation will be sent off after the event so please bring along your loose change.
4 members and Max the Labrador enjoyed a delightful walk around the lake in glorious sunshine, followed by refreshments in the walled garden and a slower meander around the gardens and newly refurbished water feature in the Abbey grounds.
Annual Trip
This will take place in June and details will follow.
The trip will take place on June 15th and will be to Kew Gardens. Please put the date in your diaries and book your seats.
Coach cost will be £12 and group entry to Gardens will be £11. Cheques to be paid by May 9th to Brenda. (17 Orchard Close, Milton Malsor.)
Seats are still available - call Brenda on 858866.
The coach will leave Milton Malsor at 9am and Collingtree crossroads at 9.05am.
A successful, if rather damp day but enjoyed by all who went to Kew. Thanks to everyone outside the WI for their support and we look forward to seeing you on another occasion.
Gardeners' Question Time
October 17th 2013 in Milton Malsor Village Hall.
BBC Radio Northampton with Johnnie Amos are recording an edition of the programme to be aired at a later date. We are the hosts and will be selling tickets
nearer the time for what promises to be an interesting evening. If you have any questions that you would like to ask the panel of experts you will find details of how to do this here soon.
Time - 7.30pm
Tickets - £5 available from Brenda (01604 858866, 17, Orchard Close Milton Malsor). This cost includes refreshments.
There will be a Raffle and Plant Stall.
Questions for the expert panel - should be sent to Brenda or any committee member in early October. You will be asked to read your own question to the panel or ask someone else to!
You may also write your question on the Contact Us form on our overview page.
forward to seeing you there.
Review of the Evening
A wonderful evening was had by all. Thanks must go to the Committee for months of planning and carrying out duties on the night alongside husbands and friends who also helped , to Johnnie Amos and his panel of experts Nick, Caroline, Alistair and Andrew, who gave interesting and knowledgeable answers to our questions, the donors of fabulous prizes for the Raffle - Haddonstone, Wyevale - Northampton Garden Centre, Youngs Nurseries, of Blisworth, Flowercraft of Milton Malsor, Cramden Nurseries of Kingsthorpe and 2 members. Donors of plants for the stall and cakes for the refreshments were also very gratefully received.
The profits from the evening are to be shared between Milton Malsor and Collingtree WI and Milton Malsor Village Hall.
BBC Radio Northampton 'Gardeners' Question Time' hosted by
Milton Malsor & Collingtree WI
Raffle Prizes
Plants for sale during the evening