March 14th 2013

Osteopathy and Acupuncture.
A demonstration by Kalla Patel B.Ost. (Hons) of Osteopathicsystem based on manipulation of joints. She is hoping to bring a 'model' to aid her demonstration.

Acupuncture could help your pains.

Or maybe you would prefer osteopathy?

Review of the evening - Kalla Patel and her colleague, Philip Rose gave an informed, interesting and informal demonstration about the benefits of osteopathy and acupuncture. Philip's father was one of the first acupuncturists in the UK having experienced training in China where it all started 3000 years ago. The single use needles are extremely fine and only touch the surface of the skin so no pain is felt.

Kalla, using a power point presentation showed us the meaning of osteopathy and compared it to chiropractice and physiotherapy. Osteopathy aims to restore the body to balance and cause and prevention is key to solving the pain.

One of Kalla's patients had a shoulder treatment to demonstrate the method of dealing with a problem. WI members were then invited to have a short treatment or discuss with her any concerns.

The competition - Enjoying the Good Life, attracted several entries ranging from walking boots and a cup of tea, seeds, gardening gloves, a dvd and newspaper cutting of 'The Good Life' starring the late Richard Briers and Felicity Kendall, alcoholic drinks made from berries found canalside whilst strolling in the countryside, fruits, magazine article and photographs. Clearly Milton Malsor and Collingtree WI are 'thinking outside the box' these days.