June 13th 2013


The Mondo Challenge


Mr Anthony Lunch can no longer attend this meeting but his place will be taken by Mr Nick Wilkins from the Mondo Challenge.

This promises to be a very interesting evening.  Local resident, Anthony Lunch will explain the need to support people, in many places in the World, to grasp the necessary strategies to become self sufficient. The aim is to promote and fund learning programmes which will maximise the potential for independence and fight for survival.

Chile | Ecuador | Gambia | Nepal | India | Sri Lanka | Tanzania | Senegal | Romania | South Africa.

They will :

  • Teach English Abroad at primary or secondary schools to help children get a brighter future. 
  • Career break Volunteers help develop small businesses to provide livelihoods for families.
  • Volunteer at orphanages, provide healthcare and childcare support in developing countries.
  • Volunteer at community projects abroad, share their skills and make a difference.

Review of evening.
 Nick Wilkins gave an interesting and enlightening talk about this locally based charity. He explained how the charity had been formed and developed. Following a visit to Nepal where their son was volunteering at a remote school, Anthony and Martine Lunch set about raising awareness and funds to help with the eduction of children in the area. The school has now grown from 1 teacher and 38 children to 8 teachers and 180 children. Mainly the charity works in Nepal, Tanzania and North East India, focusing the work on education,  and development of individuals and communities. Over £1m has been raised since its inception in 2004.