June 9th

David Askew - 'All I did was go for a Walk'
This is a personal and inspirational talk on the value of walking for physical and mental health.
David is the founder of a walking group known as Northamptonshire Walks.

David began his talk by explaining that his love of exploring the countryside started during his childhood in Lincolnshire. He left a successful but demanding career in the banking sector following a health scare about 9 years ago and decided to take up walking again to help his recovery. Not being a map lover himself, David decided to document his walks by way of a series of phots and texts and store these on a website or blog (www.northamptonshirewalks.co.uk).

There are now more than 190 Northamptonshire walks on the site and another 150 outside the County. Interest grew at an amazing rate and, in response to demand, group walks were organised. Use of the website is free but donations towards admin costs are welcomed. David often appears in the media and now has a number of other volunteers to help run the organisation.