January 9th 2020

Leprosy Defeated, Lives Transformed

Dawn McAuley will explain the work of the Leprosy Mission, a Christian development organisation, with over 140 years of experience. A population of 305 million people are served by the mission in around 40 leprosy affected countries, whose aim is to transform the lives of those affected by leprosy.

Review of the evening

Brenda introduced Dawn McCauley who has been a volunteer speaker and fundraiser for The Leprosy Mission for 10 years.

Leprosy Defeated, Lives Transformed

Dawn has visited India twice to see for herself the work that the Leprosy Mission is taking part in. She met some lovely people, both staff at hospitals and patients who were undergoing treatment.

  • Contrary to popular belief, Leprosy can be treated and is curable.
  • It cannot be caught by touch. It can live in the body for 20 years before diagnosis.
  • It is common in countries where there is poverty such as India, Brazil, Indonesia.
  • Every two minutes someone, somewhere in the world is diagnosed.
  • The Leprosy Mission works in 40 countries where there are problems.

Dawn was an engaging speaker who kept our interest throughout her talk with stories and slides illustrating the work and her visits.

see also leprosymission.org.uk